"Give Me All Your Love" by Brighton

"Give Me All Your Love" by Brighton

Brighton Reinhardt, a successful model that has worked with the likes of Hollister amongst others is also a successful singer and is asking you to give him all your love in his latest single. Born and raised in southern California in the surf town of Dana Point, Brighton was born with a bone disorder called Congenital Pseudo Arthrosis (CPA). At his young age of 21 years, Brighton has already undergone 17 surgeries. The physical and mental pain of having to go through this has been hard on Brighton but what has kept him pushing and with a healthy mind set is his love for music. Music is Brighton's motivation and allows him to escape and live without the pain of CPA for at least a moment in time. His emotions and feelings are placed into his music. His latest single, "Give Me All Your Love" is about being in love with someone and sharing the same love for one another. Sharing and having someone that sees you and loves you equally as you do to them. Brighton shares his passion and reminds us that is it's ok to express your emotions with those you love and to never let fear come between you and your aspirations.

COS top, Miansai necklace and bracelet

COS top, Miansai necklace and bracelet

Who is Brighton? How do you want people to know you?

I want people to know me as fun loving and approachable guy who loves his family and music.

Where you ‘discovered’ or did you put yourself out there for modeling?

I was discovered on Instagram.



What has modeling done for you and your aspirations?

Modeling has opened a lot of doors for me and allowed me to work with many of creative people. It has helped me to become more confident in who I am as a person.

COS outift

COS outift

What has been the biggest misconception that people have had of you as a model?

Being unapproachable and full of myself which is the complete opposite of who I am!!

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What has been your most memorable photoshoot/campaign/gig?

My most memorable photoshoot was with Men’s Fashion Post, duhhh!

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How do you handle missed opportunities or rejection?

I usually try to not be too hard on myself and focus on the next opportunity.

Being a young male model, what lessons about this industry have you learned that has helped you grow as a person?

It’s a cutthroat industry and it’s taught me to never be too hard on myself or take myself too seriously.

Who’s your biggest inspiration to pursue your passion?

John Mayer

What have you done behind the camera that people might not know about and should know about?

For the last year and a half I’ve spent my time producing music and writing songs trying to find who I am as an artist. I’m happy to announce that I am finally releasing my first single on June 28th titled “Give Me All Your Love"


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What message can you share with a young person that can help them have successes like you?

I know it’s cliché to say because everyoneeee says it, but pursue your dreams and don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something.


Photographed by Kevin Roldan


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