Model Spotlight: Jeremy Ruehlemann

Model Spotlight: Jeremy Ruehlemann

With rockstar vibes, tattoos, and a look that can kill, we continue our Model Spotlight series with Jeremy Ruehlemann of Soul Artist Management. With some dark but light threads, we walked around the streets of New York and learned a bit more about thing young model. Check it out

MFP: What was your first paid gig as a model?

My first paid job was a one day tommy hilfiger lifestyle shoot and i remember my moms reaction to hearing the news that i got it more than anything. sharing that excited moment with her was a newfound feeling of accomplishment for me, and i still love giving her the news about a big job.

MFP: What is the meaning of “Good Taste” to you?

Good taste is overrated. be bold and creative and have fun with the clothing you put on in the morning. 

MFP: What is your favorite clothing style? 

I like mixing styles, like wearing nice trousers with punk jewelry & a regular t shirt. i like contrast and mixing clothing that others typically wouldn’t.


MFP: Three things that you can’t live without?

Alone time, books & nature

MFP: Do you have any strategies in running your social media platforms?

No not at all. I know that there are algorithms and better times to post than others but I don’t pay any mind to that, I’ll post 3 pictures in a row and then not post for a week sometimes. For me it’s based on how I’m feeling.


MFP: As a model, do you think it is important to have a lot of followers on Instagram to get gigs?

I don’t think it’s important in terms of booking jobs but I do think it’s beneficial in terms of getting your name and face out there.


MFP: What is your exercise routine/type? Also, to keep healthy, what types of food do you eat?

I go to the gym about 4 times a week and I try to stay away from soda and beer.... I’m not very good at it, but I try. 


MFP: If you weren't a model, what will you be doing?

I’d either be traveling the world or working with kids & teens.

MFP: What’s next for Jeremy? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 

Next up is the film industry. I’d love to act but I’d also love to learn to score movies and create soundtracks because the one thing I’ve always resonated the most with is music. Regardless of its placement on the list, ten years from now I’d like to be seeing my name in the credits of a great movie. 

Location: 11 Howard Hotel

Model: Jeremy Ruehlemann of Soul Artist Management

Photography by Adrian Martin

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